Sunday, January 24, 2010

It can't always be fun & games...

The rink at Rockefeller Center isn't always full of brightly-attired skaters zipping around.
Sometimes you have to pull out the Zamboni* and clean house.

* We at recognize that this is not an actual Zamboni. Pictured above is an Olympia ice resurfacer. Zamboni is a federally and internationally registered trademark. Know the difference. Don't diminish the Zamboni trademark.

Live from NY...'s a window full of papier-mâché SNL characters at NBC. Among others, there's John Belushi as a killer bee (top left), GIlda Radner as Roseanne Roseannadanna (top center), Mike Meyers as "Coffee Talk"'s Linda Richman (top right) and Steve Martin as "King Tut" (bottom right).
And for the record, '70s papier-mâché Steve Martin...much, much funnier than present-day Steve Martin.

* In crafting this caption, Erik avoided going for the obvious joke and pointing out that the "Live from New York" and "It's Saturday Night!" placards look like, ahem, headstones.

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Burgs

We've both been a bit ill the past 2+ weeks, so we apologize for the lack of posts. We will be back soon, we promise!* Karen thought you'd all enjoy a little bit of Waterfowl Terror in the interim. Clearly these geese are conspiring against us all . . . Poor Karen, she really shouldn't have seen "The Birds" at such a young age.

*Ok, we can't really promise because we thought it was just a cold until Karen had to go to the Doctor and miss work due to a sudden onslaught of a sinus infection. But we're pretty sure all is clear and will start posting next weekend after we have a fun outdoors adventure, weather permitting. xoxo

Sunday, January 3, 2010

'Twas the second week after Christmas...

You know how this goes. From the last week of December through the first couple weeks in January (this might actually extend to a later date depending on your area), you can walk down the street and see the evidence of people who wake up one morning and say: "Hey! I've got a tree in my house! Why do I have a tree in my house? Trees belong outside!!"
So, for another year, to the street with you, Douglas...if that is indeed your real name.